Inland Empire Wedding Locations| Wedding Locations Inland Empire, CA

Wedding Locations in Inland Empire


These are our Spotlight/Featured venues. Use the button at the bottom of the page to see our entire listing of Inland Empire wedding venues and locations.

Top ranked Inland Empire Wedding Locations at – California’s best source for wedding planning. From lakeside events, to hotels, resorts and banquet rooms. There’s hotels, wineries and estates, it’s all here. Find great wedding locations in the Inland Empire.

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About the Inland Empire

The Inland Empire is a metropolitan area and region in Southern California. The term may be used to refer to the cities of western Riverside County and southwestern San Bernardino County. Home to 52 cities and nearly 4 million people, the culture and lifestyle is as diverse as any place in Southern California.

There are urban cities, mountain resorts and desert oases. The Inland Empire is host to a wide range of wonderful, fascinating and even historical wedding locations. Celebrate in style at a mountain resort, a luxurious downtown hotel, or a sunny desert hot springs. Only in the Inland Empire can you enjoy pine-scented trails in the morning and hot air balloon rides in the afternoon.

Find the wedding venue that is perfect for you!

Plan your wedding around some of the most beautiful and dramatic scenery in Southern California. Make your wedding more memorable by encouraging your guests to enjoy some of the best activities Southern California has to offer.